On Sunday, May 05, 2013 18:34:44 =?UTF-8?B?Ikx1w61z?=.Marques 
<luismarq...@gmail.com>@puremagic.com wrote:
> On Sunday, 5 May 2013 at 16:32:37 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> > Foo!T do not with Foo!const(T), and for good reasons.
> Can you give me an overview of those reasons, please?

Foo!T and Foo!(const T) are completely different and essentially unrelated 
types. They're only connection is that they're instantiated from the same 
template. You can't assume that anything about them is the same. It's 
perfectly possible to do something like

struct Foo(T)
    static if(is(const(T) == T))
        string s;
        byte b;
        auto bar() { return s ~ b; }
        T t;
        float baz() { return 2.2; }
        string toString() { "hello"; }

So, the compiler can't assume that Foo!T has any relation to Foo!(const T). In 
reality, 99.999999% of the time, the only difference would be constness, but 
doing nonsense like what that Foo definition does is perfectly possible. With 
const T[] and const(T)[], the compiler knows all about how arrays work, so it 
knows that converting const T[] to const(T)[] (i.e. make it tail-const) is 
perfectly valid, and it just can't do that with user-defined types.

At one point, I tried to make a range's opSlice return a tail-const version of 
the range (and alias that to this for implicit conversions), but I ended up 
with a recursive template instantiation in the process, which blew the stack 
when compiling or somesuch. I _think_ that it could be done by using static if 
to break the recursion (though I didn't try that at the time), but I'm not 
entirely sure that that can be done, and even if it can, then it's getting 
fairly complicated to define a range which can be sliced as tail-const like 
arrays can, which likely means that almost no one will do it.

I don't know what the solution is (Steven has some ideas, but I don't know 
what they are), but if const and ranges are ever going to mix, we need to be 
able to reasonably get tail-const ranges from const ranges. Otherwise, as soon 
as you get a const range, it's pretty much useless.

- Jonathan M Davis

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