On Wed, 27 May 2009 10:21:30 -0400, Lars T. Kyllingstad <pub...@kyllingen.nospamnet> wrote:

Matt Nawrocki wrote:
Hi... are there any IDEs or editors out there that support DMD 2.0 yet? I am having a hard time finding a good one. Thanks!

When you say "editor that supports D", do you primarily mean syntax highlighting? In that case, there should be plenty, as there really isn't much difference between D1 and D2.

Also, you didn't say whether you use Windows or Linux. On Linux, I know that both vim, gedit and Kate have syntax highlighting for D. Also, Bill
Baxter made an emacs mode for D some years ago,


Personally, I use vim, and for D2 I only had to add the keywords "ref" and "string" to the syntax file. :)

ref should be added to the default D syntax file, it's D1/D2.
string is not a keyword (although syntax highlighting it might be a good idea).

Some other new keywords to add:

I can't say anything about IDEs or Windows, as use neither.

Vim works on windows.


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