On Thu, 28 May 2009 16:45:42 +0400, Jason House <jason.james.ho...@gmail.com> 

> I'm really surprised by the lack of design discussion in this thread.  
> It's amazing how there can be huge bursts of discussion on which keyword  
> to use (e.g. manifest constants), but then complete silence about major  
> design decisions like thread safety that defines new transitive states  
> and a bunch of new keywords. The description even made parallels to the  
> (previously?) unpopular const architecture.
> Maybe people are waiting for Walter to go through all the hard work of  
> implementing this stuff before complaining that it's crap and  
> proclaiming Walter should have done in the first place?
> This seems really unfair to Walter. Then again, I see no indication of  
> Walter wanting anything else.

It's plain easier to discuss bycicle shed color, because everyone is expert in 

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