nobody, el 28 de mayo a las 04:08 me escribiste:
> > From what I understand, you can set GDB to break whenever _d_throw is
> > called.  I don't know the syntax.
> Thanks for the hint.  I googled it, here's the way to do it:
> $ objdump -x your.exe | grep throw
> 0819c1e0 g     F .text        00000217              _d_th...@4
> (gdb) break *0x0819c1e0
> Breakpoint 1 at 0x819c1e0
> (gdb) r
> ...
> (gdb) where
> #0  0x0819c1e0 in _d_th...@4 ()
> #1  0x081b397c in _D3std6format8doFormatFDFwZvAC8TypeInfoPvZv10getFmtStarMFZi
>     ()
> #2  0x081b2207 in _D3std6format8doFormatFDFwZvAC8TypeInfoPvZv ()
> #3  0x081b19c9 in _D3std5stdio7writefxFPS3std1c5stdio6_iobufAC8TypeInfoPviZv 
> ()
> #4  0x081b1ac4 in _D3std5stdio6writefFYv ()
> > If you don't want to use a debugger, there's always
> > printf/writefln/Stdout debugging.
> using writefln to find writefln errors? ;-)

When debugging C++, the stack trace shows the exact point where the
exception was thrown, so there is a way to get this right in D, I just
don't know how =)

Leandro Lucarella (luca) | Blog colectivo:
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