On Mon, 13 May 2013 09:03:08 +0200
Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

> On 2013-05-12 23:16, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> > I *could* push that to the main mysql-native master repo right now
> > <https://github.com/rejectedsoftware/mysql-native>. But I'm hesitant
> > for one reason:
> >
> > Since Phobos's and Vibe.d's sockets have incompatible APIs, my
> > design converts most of the types in mysql-native into templates.
> > For example, 'Connection' becomes either
> > 'Connection!mySQLSocketVibeD' or 'Connection!mySQLSocketPhobos'.
> > The type 'Command' becomes either 'Command!mySQLSocketVibeD' or
> > 'Connection!mySQLSocketPhobos'. And the same goes for most other
> > types, such as Row, ResultSet, etc.
> >
> > That is the only breaking change, but depending how your code uses
> > mysql-native, it can be a very significant breaking change.
> Why don't you just relay on a version flag? Is it really necessary to 
> change this at runtime?

As this is intended as a "core-ish" low-level lib for any MySQL-client needs, I 
didn't want to unduly preclude any potential use-cases, even if it's not a 
typical use-case.

However, since it isn't a typical use-case, maybe what I'll do is this:

- Use new names for all of the newly templated types: Ex: 'Connection'
becomes 'ConnectionX!mySQLSocketVibeD' and

- Require a -version to specify which socket type is the default, and then set 
up backwards-compatible aliases. So for example, if 
'-version=MySQLN_DefaultSocketVibeD' is used, then 'Connection' (for example) 
is defined as an alias to 'ConnectionX!mySQLSocketVibeD'.

- If a unified socket interface ever emerges, and obviates the needs for the 
templates, then these -version idents can just simply be ignored and output 
"that -version is no longer needed" pragma messages.

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