On Thursday, 16 May 2013 at 10:35:12 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
Want to bring into discussion people that are not on Google+. Samuel recently has posted there some simple experiments with bioinformatics and bad performance of Phobos-based snippet has surprised me.

I did explore issue a bit and reported results in a blog post (snippets are really small and simple) : http://dicebot.blogspot.com/2013/05/short-performance-tuning-story.html

One open question remains though - can D/Phobos do better here? Can some changes be done to Phobos functions in question to improve performance or creating bioinformatics-specialized library is only practical solution?

May I also recommend my tool "avgtime" to make simple benchmarks, instead of "time" (you can see an ascii histogram as the output):


For example:

$ avgtime -r10 -h -q  ls
Total time (ms): 27.413
Repetitions    : 10
Sample mode    : 2.6 (4 ocurrences)
Median time    : 2.6695
Avg time       : 2.7413
Std dev.       : 0.260515
Minimum        : 2.557
Maximum        : 3.505
95% conf.int.  : [2.2307, 3.2519]  e = 0.510599
99% conf.int.  : [2.07026, 3.41234]  e = 0.671041
EstimatedAvg95%: [2.57983, 2.90277]  e = 0.161466
EstimatedAvg99%: [2.5291, 2.9535]  e = 0.212202
Histogram      :
    msecs: count  normalized bar
      2.5:     2  ####################
      2.6:     4  ########################################
      2.7:     3  ##############################
      3.5:     1  ##########


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