BCS wrote:
Reply to Andrei,

BCS wrote:

Everything is indicating that shared memory multi-threading is where
it's all going.

That is correct, just that it's 40 years late. Right now everything is
indicating that things are moving *away* from shared memory.


I'm talking at the ASM level (not the language model level) and as opposed to each thread running in its own totally isolated address space.

Am I wrong in assuming that most languages use user mode (not kernel mode) shared memory for inter thread communication?

What happens is that memory is less shared as cache hierarchies go deeper. It was a great model when there were a couple of processors hitting on the same memory because it was close to reality. Cache hierarchies reveal the hard reality that memory is shared to a decreasing extent and that each processor would rather deal with its own memory. Incidentally, message-passing-style protocols are prevalent in such architectures even at low level. It follows that message passing is not only an attractive model for programming at large, but also a model that's closer to machine than memory sharing.


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