On Sunday, 19 May 2013 at 17:46:13 UTC, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:
On Sun, 19 May 2013 19:12:15 +0200, Idan Arye <generic...@gmail.com> wrote:

It's a good practice to initialize references(and all other types of variables) as soon as possible - and if possible, right away in the declaration. If that reference started as null, it's safe to assume it was not possible to initialized it at declaration, so it was intentionally initialized with null(if there was no initialization Java would scream at you).

Now, let's assume that reference was non-nullable. It is safe to assume that this change would not remove the obstacle that prevented that reference from being initialized right away in the declaration - so you still need to initialize it to something else - let's call that something `Nil`. Nil is an object that tells you that the reference has not yet been initialized.

Uhm, no. Nononono. No. This is a complete and utter fallacy. What you have just done is define Nullable!(NonNullable!T). I should not have to explain too closely why this is a bad thing and should not be done.

These are the assumptions I'm working with:
 - We can't use a nullable reference
- We can't initialize the reference upon declaration to it's real value.

The first assumption is required because we want to describe how the bug scenario deadalnix brought up would look like if references were non-nullable. The second assumption is required because if we could initialize the reference upon declaration to it's real value, we should have just done it in the first place and avoid the whole race hazard.

Now, I'm not saying the solution I presented is good - I'm trying to show that given those two assumptions, we are forced to use this bad solution.

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