Bartosz Milewski wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

BCS wrote:
Everything is indicating that shared memory multi-threading is
where it's all going.
That is correct, just that it's 40 years late. Right now everything
is indicating that things are moving *away* from shared memory.


I understand where you stand. You are looking at where the
state-of-the-art hardware is going and that makes perfect sense.
There is, however, a co-evolution of hardware and software that is
not a simple software-follow-hardware (remember the era of RISC

I understand that. However, I don't understand how the comment applies to the situation at hand.

I'm looking at programming languages and I don't see that
away-from-shared-memory trend--neither in mainstream languages, nor
in newer languages like Scala, nor in the operating systems.

Scala doesn't know what to do about threads. The trend I'm seeing is that functional languages are getting increasing attention, and that's exactly because they never share mutable memory. As far as I can see, languages that are based on heavy shared mutation are pretty much dead in the water. We have the chance to not be so.

are many interesting high-level paradigms like message passing,
futures, actors, etc.; and I'm sure there will be more in the future.
D has a choice of betting the store on one of these paradigms (like
ML did on message passing or Erlang on actors) or to try, build solid
foundations for a multi-paradigm language or do nothing. I am trying
to build the foundations.

Building foundations is great. What I'm seeing, however, is one very heavy strong pillar put in a place that might become the doghouse. I'm not at all sure the focus must be put on high-level race avoidance, particularly given that the cost in perceived complexity is this high.

The examples that I'm exploring in my posts are data structures that
support higher level concurrency: channels, message queues, lock-free
objects, etc. I want to build a system where high-level concurrency
paradigms are reasonably easy to implement.

Let's look at the alternatives.

Nobody thinks seriously of making message passing a language feature
in D. The Erlangization of D wouldn't work because D does not provide
guarantees of address space separation (and providing such guarantees
would cripple the language beyond repair).

Why wouldn't we think of making message passing a language feature in D? Why does message passing need erlangization to support message passing?

Another option we discussed was to provide specialized, well tested
message queues in the library and count on programmers' discipline
not to stray away from the message passing paradigm.

That's not what I discussed. I think there is is an interesting point that you've been missing, so please allow me to restate it.

What I discussed was a holistic approach in which language + standard library provides a trusted computing base. Consider Java's new (for arrays) and C's malloc. The new function cannot be defined in Java because it would require unsafe manipulation underneath, so it is defined by its runtime support library. That runtime support is implemented in the likes of C. However, due to the fact that the runtime support is part of Java, in fact Java does have dynamic memory allocation - and nobody blinks an eye.

C has famously had a mantra of self-sufficiency: its own support libraries have been written in C, which is pretty remarkable - and almost unprecedented at the time C was defined. For example, C's malloc is written in C, but (and here's an important detail) at some point it becomes _nonportable_ C. So even C has to cross a barrier of some sorts at some point.

How is this related to the discussion at hand? You want to put all concurrency support in the language. That is, you want to put enough power into the language to be able to typecheck a variety of concurrent programming primitives and patterns. This approach is blindsided to the opportunity of defining some of these primitives in the standard library, in unsafe/unportable D, yet offering safe primitives to the user. In the process, the user is not hurt because she still has access to the primitives. What she can't do is define their own primitives in safe D. But I think that's as useless a pursuit as adding keywords to C to allow one to implement malloc() in safe C.

type-system support, though, such queues would have to be either
unsafe (no guarantee that the client doesn't have unprotected aliases
to messages), or restrict messages to very simple data structures
(pass-by-value and maybe some very clever unique pointer/array
template). The latter approach introduces huge complexity into the
library, essentially making user-defined extensions impossible
(unless the user's name is Andrei ;-) ).

Complexity will be somewhere. The problem is, you want to put much of it in the language, and that will hit the language user too. Semantic checking will always be harder on everyone than a human being who sits down and implements a provably safe library in ways that the compiler can't prove.

Let's not forget that right now D is _designed_ to support
shared-memory programming. Every D object has a lock, it supports
synchronized methods, the keyword "shared" is being introduced, etc.
It doesn't look like D is moving away from shared memory. It looks
more like it's adding some window dressing to the pre-existing mess
and bidding its time. I haven't seen a comprehensive plan for D to
tackle concurrency and I'm afraid that if D doesn't take a solid
stance right now, it will miss the train.

I think we can safely ditch this argument. Walter had no idea what to do about threads when he defined D, so he put whatever he saw and understood in Java. He'd be the first to say that - actually, he wouldn't tell me so, he _told_ me so.

To me, adding concurrency capabilities to D is nothing like adding window dressing on top of whatever crap is there. Java and C++ are in trouble, and doing what they do doesn't strike me as a good bet. You're right about missing the train, but I think you and I are talking about different trains. I don't want to embark on the steam-powered train.


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