On 2013-05-20 22:36, Timothee Cour wrote:
The following will take much less time and can achieve good, native
results quickly:

Design a user-code facing clean api using idiomatic D (front end code):
windows, widgets, callbacks via delegates, etc.
Design a glue layer to talk to different backends: gtkd, wxd, qtd, fltk etc.

This is what python does with matplotlib:
http://matplotlib.org/faq/usage_faq.html : they support pygtk, wxpython,
tkinter, qt, macosx, or fltk, and also non interactive backends)
The user code stays clean, the results are native (depending on
backend), and the wheel is not reimplemented.

That is a huge a mount of work as well. Yes I know, I'm working on DWT. Seems a bit unnecessary to support non-native backends? I mean, you will get a couple of extra backends. It's more then enough work with the native ones.

/Jacob Carlborg

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