On 5/25/2013 9:48 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Then came along D with native Unicode support built right into the
language. And not just UTF-16 shoved down your throat like Java does (or
was it UTF-32?); UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 are all equally supported.
You cannot imagine what a happy camper I was since then!! Yes, Phobos
still has a ways to go in terms of performance w.r.t. UTF-8 strings, but
what we have right now is already far, far, superior to the situation in
C/C++, and things can only get better.

Many moons ago, when the earth was young and I had a few strands of hair left, a C++ programmer challenged me to a "bakeoff", D vs C++. I wrote the program in D (a string processing program). He said "ahaaaa!" and wrote the C++ one. They were fairly comparable.

I then suggested we do the internationalized version. I resubmitted exactly the same program. He threw in the towel.

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