On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 16:04:32 Russel Winder wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I am missing something very obvious…
> For unit tests I want a std.stdio.File object that is backed by an in
> memory string buffer rather than an actual file on disc, be it temporary
> or otherwise. I think I am missing where this is documented in the
> documentation. Or is it actually not available?

Do you mean something like std.mmfile.MmFile which operates on a file as an 
array in memory using mmap, or do you mean operating on memory that has no 
connection to a file at all (in which case, I'm not sure why you'd want to use 
File)? If the former, well use std.file.MmFile. If the latter, I expect that 
you're out of luck. Unfortunately, std.stdio.File is currently just a wrapper 
around FILE and is thus limited by what you can do with FILE - that and I 
don't think that the File API took into consideration the possibility of 
operating on anything other than an actual file (and I honestly don't know what 
you'd be trying to do with it where it would make any sense for to operate on 
anything other than an actual file).

- Jonathan M Davis

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