On Wednesday, 29 May 2013 at 15:14:54 UTC, Kenji Hara wrote:
With 2.063, this code would work.

struct S { int* ptr; }  // has mutable indirection

void main()
    immutable S si = function () pure
        S sm;
        sm.ptr = new int;
        *sm.ptr = 10;
        return sm;  // construct and return mutable object
    static assert(is(typeof(*si.ptr) == immutable int));
    assert(*si.ptr == 10);

The local function would return an unique object, so it is implicitly
convertible to immutable.

Kenji Hara

Hm, well the problem isn't to make something mutable into immutable, so the purity and implicit conversion is not necessary, but using a nested or anonymous function would indeed be a good way to move the problematic try-catch into another function.

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