Regarding the syntax to unpack tuples into single variables, Kenji Hara wrote a DIP ( ) denoting tuples with the univesal syntax {...}, but people have found some problems in it.

(I think Kenji didn't update that DIP with all the small improvements we suggested in that thread, so they risk getting lost.)

Maybe one solution is to use a "tup(...)" syntax, it's a bit heavy, but it's clear and maybe it has no corner cases:

tup(int, string) tup = tup(1, "hi");
foreach (Float; tup(float, double, real)) { ... }
auto tup(x, y) = tup(1, "hi");
tup(auto x, y) = tup(1, "hi");
tup(int x, string y) = tup(1, "hi");
foreach (i, const tup(x, y); [tup(1,2), tup(3,4), tup(5,6), ...]) {
void foo(tup(int, string name), string msg);
(tup(A a, B b)) => a + b;
switch (tup) { case tup(1, 2): ... }

This is not very elegant, "tup" becomes a new keyword and generally I don't like such strong abbreviations, like the ones used in Rust language, but "tuple()" clashes with the library-defined ones, and it's even more wordy if you want to define an array of them:

[tuple(1,2), tuple(3,4), tuple(5,6), ...]


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