On Thu, 30 May 2013 16:13:13 -0400
Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:
> I am the one who switched to download over HTTP. The reason is that I 
> hadn't anticipated the enormous demand following the announcement,
> and we really need to collect download statistics, which are already
> built in dlang.org. You mentioned those can be gotten from S3, so I'm
> counting on that.

I don't know what sort of software is running dlang.org, but it should
be easy to toss together a trivial
"http://dlang.org/trackLink/targetURL"; url. If you're using a
log-analyzing stat package like webalyzer, then all you should need to
do is make "http://dlang.org/trackLink/targetURL"; redirect to
"targetURL" and do literally nothing else.

You may not even need a script at all for that. As long as the
pre-redirect URL gets logged (I don't recall if they usually are or
not - but I *think* so), then all you'd have to do is toss a trivial
rewrite rule into Apache's/Nginx's/whatever's config file.

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