On Sat, 30 May 2009 13:18:06 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

If we want to allow people to create ranges that are classes (as opposed to structs) the requirement for a save() function is a must. This is because copying class ranges with

Range copy = original;

only creates a new alias for original; the two share the same state.

So this solves our forward vs. input ranges dilemma quite nicely: the save() function at the same time allows distinction between the two (input ranges don't define a save() function) and also allows ranges to be implemented as classes as well as structs.

To summarize:

Input ranges: empty front popFront

Forward ranges: + save

Bidir ranges: + back popBack

Random-access ranges: + opIndex opIndexAssign

The disadvantage is that all non-input ranges must define save(), which is a trivial functions in most cases:

Range save() { return this; }

I have two questions that came to mind:

1. What is the use case for classes as ranges? I can't think of one. With structs, you can control the aliasing behavior when it is copied, so the issue is less critical.

2. Even if there is a use case, why put the band-aid on the ranges that aren't affected? That is, why affect all ranges except input ranges when input ranges are the issue? Even if this does work, you are going to have mistakes where you copy the range instead of calling .save, which will compile successfully. Since you have to special case it, why not just put a flag in the non-copyable input ranges? Like an enum noCopy = true; or something. Then you can special case those and have them fail to compile when they don't support the algo. For classes, you wouldn't need to do this, because they are by default reference types, and this can be statically checked.

The point is, make the frequent usage easy, and the one-time range design require the careful usage.


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