Sean Kelly Wrote:

> Jason House wrote:
> > Andrei has stated previously that unique was left out of the type system 
> > because it added little value to the const system. Now that shared and 
> > multithreading are here, unique has more value.
> > 
> > I have two basic questions:
> > 
> > 1. What would make unique difficult to add?
> Move semantics.  Just passing a unique value type to a function, a copy 
> is performed.

Why would copying occur? Can't a function simply pass it by reference and then 
zero out that register when done?

> > 2. What benefits do you forsee?
> Message passing could be done without needless copying and with a 
> reasonable degree of safety.  I've done this before in C++ by storing 
> the reference in a modified shared_ptr (so it can live in containers), 
> then asserting is_unique() and transferring the reference to an auto_ptr 
> when passing into the message.  Kind of messy, but it works well enough.

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