On 01-06-2013 07:41, Manu wrote:
GCC has a non-standard extension to do this, I've used it to get great
performance wins writing emulators. I love this feature, love to see it
in D!

Yes, it's basically essential for high-perf interpreters. It's a feature that a systems language like D must have.

On 1 Jun 2013 15:30, "Alex Rønne Petersen" <a...@lycus.org
<mailto:a...@lycus.org>> wrote:


    I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I feel I need to bring
    it up again (because I'm going to be writing a threaded-code

    This is an incredibly important extension. The final switch
    statement is not a replacement because it doesn't allow the
    programmer to store a label address directly into a code stream,
    which is what's essential to write a threaded-code interpreter.

    The Erlang folks went through hell just to use this feature; see the
    5th Q at:

    The idea is to be able to write code like this:


    import std.algorithm;

    enum Op : ubyte
         // ...

    final class Insn
         Op op;
         size_t[] args;
         void* lbl;
         Insn next;

    final class State
         Insn pc;
         size_t[64] regs;

    size_t interp(Insn[] code)
         // Set up the instruction stream with label addresses
         // the first time that it is executed. Label addresses
         // are stable, so we only do this once.

         foreach (insn; code.filter!(x => !x.lbl)())
             void* lbl;

             with (Op)
                 final switch (insn.op)
                     case imm: lbl = &&handle_imm; break;
                     case add: lbl = &&handle_add; break;
                     case sub: lbl = &&handle_sub; break;
                     // ...
                     case ret: lbl = &&handle_ret; break;

             insn.lbl = lbl;

         // Start interpreting the entry instruction.

         auto state = new State;
         state.pc = code[0];
         goto *state.pc.lbl;

         // Interpreter logic follows...

         // The whole point is to avoid unnecessary function
         // calls, so we use a mixin template for this stuff.
         enum advance = "state.pc = state.pc.next;" ~
                        "goto *state.pc.lbl;";

             state.regs[state.pc.args[0]] = state.pc.args[1];

             state.regs[state.pc.args[0]] = state.regs[state.pc.args[1]]
    + state.regs[state.pc.args[2]];

             state.regs[state.pc.args[0]] = state.regs[state.pc.args[1]]
    - state.regs[state.pc.args[2]];

         // ...

             return state.regs[state.pc.args[0]];



    Notice that there are no function calls going on. Just plain jumps
    all the way through. This is a technique that many real world
    interpreters use to get significant speedups, and I for one think we
    desperately need it.

    Implementing it should be trivial as both LLVM and GCC support
    taking the address of a block. I'm sure the DMD back end could be
    extended to support it too.

    Alex Rønne Petersen
    a...@alexrp.com <mailto:a...@alexrp.com> / a...@lycus.org
    http://alexrp.com / http://lycus.org

Alex Rønne Petersen
a...@alexrp.com / a...@lycus.org
http://alexrp.com / http://lycus.org

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