I saw a thread a few days ago about somebody wanting a few UFCS-based convenience functions, so I thought that I'd take the opportunity to make a small contribution to Phobos. Currently I have four small functions: each, exhaust, perform, and tap, and would like some feedback.

each is designed to perform operations with side-effects on each range element. To actually change the elements of the range, each element must be accepted by reference.

Range each(alias fun, Range)(Range r)
if (isInputRange!(Unqual!Range))
    alias unaryFun!fun _fun;
    foreach (ref e; r)

    return r;

//Prints [-1, 0, 1]
[1, 2, 3].each!((ref i) => i -= 2).writeln;

exhaust iterates a range until it is exhausted. It also has the nice feature that if range.front is callable, exhaust will call it upon each iteration.

Range exhaust(Range)(Range r)
if (isInputRange!(Unqual!Range))

    while (!r.empty)

    return r;

//Writes "www.dlang.org". x is an empty MapResult range.
auto x = "www.dlang.org"
         .map!((c) { c.write; return false; })

//Prints []
[1, 2, 3].exhaust.writeln;

perform is pretty badly named, but I couldn't come up with a better one. It can be inserted in a UFCS chain and perform some operation with side-effects. It doesn't alter its argument, just returns it for the next function in the chain.

T perform(alias dg, T)(ref T val)

    return val;

//Prints "Mapped: 2 4"
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
.filter!(n => n < 3)
.map!(n => n * n)
.perform!({write("Mapped: ");})
.each!(n => write(n, " "));

Lastly is tap, which takes a value and performs some mutating operation on it. It then returns the value.

T tap(alias dg, T)(auto ref T val)

    return val;

class Foo
    int x;
    int y;

auto f = (new Foo).tap!((f)
    f.x = 2;
    f.y = 3;

//Prints 2 3
writeln(f.x, " ", f.y);

struct Foo2
    int x;
    int y;

//Need to use ref for value types
auto f2 = Foo2().tap!((ref f)
    f.x = 3;
    f.y = 2;

//Prints 3 2
writeln(f2.x, " ", f2.y);

Do you think these small functions have a place in Phobos? I think each and exhaust would be best put into std.range, but I'm not quite sure where perform and tap should go. Also, there's that horrible name for perform, for which I would like to come up with a better name.

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