On Friday, 31 May 2013 at 09:43:05 UTC, Manu wrote:
- Require explicitly export when you want to create shared objects.

This one is an enabler for an optimizer to finalize virtual method. With this mechanism in place, the compile knows all the override and can finalize many calls during LTO. I especially like that one as it allow for stripping many symbols at link time and allow for other LTO in general (for instance, the compiler can choose custom calling conventions for some
methods, knowing all call sites).

The explicit export one have my preference, however, ti require that symbol used in shared lib are explicitly declared export. I think we shouldn't break the virtual by default behavior, but we still need to
figure out a way to make thing more performant on this point.

You're concerned about the magnitude of breakage introducing an explicit virtual requirement. This would seem to be a much much bigger breakage to
me, and I don't think it's intuitive.

Officially, we are just starting to support shared object. I know you use them, and that this is a breakage to you. However, I think it is reasonable to expect that most people do not. Still, the migration should be carefully handled.

This change is actually a fairly big deal as it empower the optimizer quite a lot, and not only for virtual functions. It can do way more than the dev could manually annotating any function.

This is proven technology, not the sufficiently smart compiler here. Ti be fair, I'd push for this change even if final was the default, as it enable for many other optimizations.

As the example shown, manually annotating everything isn't going to provide 5% to 7%, which irrelevant in most code path, and when a compiler could improve the situation significantly automatically.

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