On 6/3/13 8:18 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
So, the breakage is minimal and noisy, but it _is_ still breakage. If we were
starting from scratch, I really don't think that there would be much excuse
for not making functions non-virtual by default given that we require
overriding functions to be marked with override, but it is more of an open
question when we're this far into the game. I still think that it's worth
making the change though.

Absolutely it is breakage. The entire discussion is aimless though because it compares poorly costs and benefits of very different design choices, and as you mention at completely different historical times.

It's useless to focus on the breakage override has caused. Yes it did cause breakage. There is no conclusion to draw from that without considering the considerably complex dynamics surrounding the whole matter (experience, benefits, number of users affected positively and negatively).

To use that breakage as an argument linked to absorbing breakage caused by switching to final-by-default does not make sense. I'll try to abstain replying to this particular point in the future, it just instantly lowers the quality of the dialog.


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