One of Phobos' design goals was internal modularity. As Walter mentioned in another thread($2qst$, this goal has been greatly compromised. A long list of imports is a common sight in the heads of Phobos' source files. This, ofcourse, is done for a good reason - we all know the benefits of DRY.

The advantages for internal modularity, as written in the Phobos readme(=`index.d`), are:

1) "It's dis­cour­ag­ing to pull in a megabyte of code bloat by just try­ing to read a file into an array of bytes." 2) "Class in­de­pen­dence also means that classes that turn out to be mis­takes can be dep­re­cated and re­designed with­out forc­ing a rewrite of the rest of the class li­brary."

The second advantage comes in direct conflict with the DRY principle - if Foo is to enjoy bug fixes in Bar, Foo must also suffer from breaking changes in Bar. Also a change that breaks library code will probably break user code as well, so those changes are discouraged anyways.

As for the first advantage, I believe it can be achieved with local imports.

Many modules import other modules solely for usage in unit tests. Those imports are redundant if you don't unit-test Phobos - and most projects written in D don't run the standard library unit tests. If those imports were local to the unit test, they wouldn't be imported in outside code.

Also, a huge portion of Phobos is written in templates. If an import is local to a template, and the template is not instantiated, then the module is not imported.

Due to these characteristics of Phobos, I believe making the imports local to the unit tests and templates that use them will reduce the number of imports the compiler has to do.

Another advantage of making the imports local(whenever possible) is that it would make it easier to remove imports. Currently, if a change to an implementation in Phobos removes it dependency on a module, you can't remove them module's name from the import list, because maybe some other part of this module needs that import. If that import was local to the implementation that used it, you could remove the import safely, knowing that if it is needed somewhere else, it is imported locally there.

One big disadvantage of this suggestion is that implementing it is a tedious job - like I said, Phobos has many templates, so the compiler won't alert us about a missing module unless we instantiate the template that needs it - and some templates can have multiple "instantiation paths", that some of them might not use the module!

So, we will have to scan the source files manually to determine which section requires which modules. Luckily, this change is not needed to be done at once, since it is not a breaking change, and should not affect user code(though it will make Phobos pull requests harder to merge).

Also, I'm not really familiar with the internals of dmd - how much impact will importing the same module many times have on the compilation performance? Will it be more or less than what we save by reducing the number of imported modules?


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