On Tuesday, 4 June 2013 at 00:19:39 UTC, Manu wrote:
Is there a reason this change offends you enough to call me names? Or can
you at least tell how I'm being narrow-minded?

It's not at all the change itself that irritates me. I would never resort to making ad hominem arguments in a technical discussion, at least not deliberately so.

In fact, from what I remember from the various discussions at DConf, I think we have pretty much the same opinion regarding how hidden costs are a bit too pervasive in present-day D, respectively how it encourages an inherently wasteful style of coding in more places than necessary. I also agree that in the current class design, virtual-by-default is dangerous. If we were to go back to the drawing board, though, I'd be interested in exploring alternative directions in the design space, away from the Java-style OOP model altogether.

What I disagree with is just the style of the discussion, for reasons that Andrei already summarized in a much more eloquent way than I could. Trying to Be Right on the Internet is one thing, but does not necessarily improve the situation at all. And even if they eventually do, such discussions tend to be a much bigger waste of time and energy for everybody involved than necessary, which is also the reason why I mostly ignored this thread so far.


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