On Friday, 14 June 2013 at 00:13:37 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Friday, June 14, 2013 02:02:23 David Nadlinger wrote:
On Thursday, 13 June 2013 at 23:25:42 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote: > Walter has expressed a desire in the past to make it so that > D
> requires that
> the evaluation order of arguments be left-to-right in order > to
> avoid bugs, and
> while these aren't exactly function arguments, …

Actually, behind the scenes all three are arguments to *one*
function call: the druntime array op implementation.

Anyway, my question was mainly about the assignment operator,
which is obviously not expected to behave lexically left-to-right
by that test case.

I don't see how the assignment operator could possibly work left-to-right

What do you mean? assignment requires two arguments: the *reference* of lhs, and value/reference or rhs. Regardless of if lhs is a value or expression, the compiler still needs to know *where* to assign to.

I don't see any reasons why the compiler couldn't choose lhs first instead.

*as* a matter of fact, that's how gcc does it for C++:

int main()
    int i = 0;
    ++i = ++i;
    assert(i == 2); //passes

Left to right
First, evaluate lhs: i has the value 1.
then evaluate rhs, which will now have the value 2.
assign 2 to i.
* i == 2 *

right to left:
First, evalutate rhs: i has the value 1, an rhs 1.
Evaluate lhs: i is now 2.
But then assign rhs (1) to lhs.
* i == 1 *

So yeah, left to right evaluation is completely coherent, and a valid scheme.

Heck, you'll notice this *also* passes with DMD, so dmd *also* evaluates opEqual left to right.

So I guess this "surprising behavior" is the evaluation order we want to enforce?

I remember the discussion:

For the record, I don't remember there being a consensus... at all...
There were 3.5 positions:
1) left to right evaluation
2) right to left evaluation
3) specifically unspecified
  3.5) error when compiler sees ambiguity

I'm personally in favor of 3, with some 3.5 as a warning. Evaluation order, even when defined, remains obscure once associative operations come into play, and still bite you in the ass anyways, so I don't see anything good out of forcing it one way or the other anyways.

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