Previously we were having fun with generic programming.  When last we tuned in 
I had...

An enum:


An Interface:

public interface Ranker(T) {
        bool submit(T value);   // submits a value of type T to be included in 
top 'n' values, true if added or already present 
        bool expire(T value);   // removes a previously included value of type 
T from top 'n' values, false if non-existant
        T extreme();            // returns the value of type T from Ranker 
which is the current top value

And a Class Template:

class Rank(T, ORDER rankOrder = ORDER.ASCENDING) : Ranker!(T)

>From this and some implementation magic we can create objects that track the 
>top (or bottom) 'n' elements submitted to it.

So far, so good.

I'm trying to create an alias that lets me create these objects like this:

auto top32 = MaxRank(int)(32);

Where '32' is the number of top elements to track.

So we create  template aliases like this:

template MinRank(T) {
    alias Rank!(T, ORDER.DESCENDING) MinRank;

template MaxRank(T) {
    alias Rank!(T, ORDER.ASCENDING) MaxRank;

And that works, but only if I create the MaxRank by including an exclamation 
point thusly:

auto top32 = MaxRank!(int)(32);

Well, that kind of defeats one of the purposes of creating a template alias.  
With just a little more effort I can just type:

auto top32 = Rank!(int, ORDER.ASCENDING);

Is there any way to get around including the exclamation point?



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