On 06/23/2013 11:22 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
Profiling shows the calcHash function is a significant contributor to
compilation time (3.25% of total time). So making it faster is a win.
Even making dmd 1% faster would be a nice win - all those little drops
add up.

You'll find a benchmark at the end of the post.

Obviously the switch in a for loop is a branch prediction killer.
This should work much better.

for (size_t i = 0; i < len / 4; ++i)
    hash *= 37;
    hash += *(const uint32_t *)str;
    str += 4;
switch (len & 3)
case 0:
case 1:
    hash *= 37;
    hash += *(const uint8_t *)str;
case 2:
    hash *= 37;
    hash += *(const uint16_t *)str;
case 3:
    hash *= 37;
    hash += (*(const uint16_t *)str << 8) +
             ((const uint8_t *)str)[2];
return hash;

Finding a faster hash algorithm isn't simple because prime multiplication is so simple. At least we're not diving the hash result by 37 any longer. I think using the Hsieh hash is a good choice because it has quite an OK distribution so it leads to fewer collisions. It's also pretty fast for short strings and we already use it in druntime.

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