
since I updated dmd 2.063.2, stack traces look like this :

object.Exception@libd-llvm/libd/src/util/visitor.d(17): d.ast.type.IdentifierType is not supported.
../bin/sdc() [0x5d3bcf]
../bin/sdc() [0x5ca085]
../bin/sdc() [0x5c9fe3]
../bin/sdc() [0x5d4583]
../bin/sdc() [0x5d4159]
../bin/sdc() [0x5d4621]
../bin/sdc() [0x5ca3ca]
../bin/sdc() [0x5d3b33]
../bin/sdc() [0x5ca085]
../bin/sdc() [0x5c9fe3]
../bin/sdc() [0x596caa]
../bin/sdc() [0x5bc1f7]
../bin/sdc() [0x5c6d94]
../bin/sdc() [0x5bc04f]
../bin/sdc() [0x596b53]
../bin/sdc() [0x586b00]
../bin/sdc() [0x5943b3]
../bin/sdc() [0x5e0cc1]
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libphobos2.so.0.2(void core.thread.Fiber.run()+0x31) [0x7f79439117ed] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libphobos2.so.0.2(fiber_entryPoint+0x68) [0x7f79439111dc]

addr2line is able to help me, but it seems that druntime is unable to provide any debug info.

Before I still needed addr2line to get line numbers, but at least I had the file and the mangled function name.

How can get my stack trace back ?

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