On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 at 18:08:10 UTC, bearophile wrote:
The most common problem they find are errors in the format string of printf-like functions (despite the code is C++):

The top type of bug that /analyze finds is format string errors – mismatches between printf-style format strings and the corresponding arguments. Sometimes there is a missing argument, sometimes there is an extra argument, and sometimes the arguments don’t match, such as printing a float, long or ‘long long’ with %d.<

Such errors in D are less bad, because writef("%d",x) is usable for all kind of integral values. On the other hand this D program prints just "10" with no errors, ignoring the second x:

import std.stdio;
void main() {
    size_t x = 10;
    writefln("%d", x, x);

In a modern statically typed language I'd like such code to give a compile-time error.

An even better thing would be to have a design which reduce a lot the probability of format string error, see Scala:

val name = "James"
println(s"Hello, $name")


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