On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 11:48:15PM +0200, Idan Arye wrote:
> On Thursday, 27 June 2013 at 20:43:47 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> >That's something I never really understood about the Windows / GUI
> >world. The backend functionality is already all there, yet for some
> >strange reason the application refuses to have the means to access
> >that functionality, requiring instead for you to install "plugins".
> >To me, a "plugin" should *enhance* functionality by adding what
> >wasn't there before, but in this case, it seems to be more about
> >removing artificial barriers to reveal what has already been there
> >all along. Same thing goes with the iPhone emoji apps, and many other
> >such examples.
> >
> >As a CLI-only person, I find this really hard to grok.
> With the popularity of XML build systems, that shouldn't be that
> hard for an IDE to provide you with a GUI to edit the targets and
> make complex build processes. I would have expected big IDEs like
> Eclipse to have that feature...

Yeah, what with all the fancy code-editing features, you'd think having
a built-in XML editor would be easy...

XML is a pain to edit by hand, though, if your editor doesn't understand
XML. It's sorta like Java and IDEs; in theory, you *can* write Java with
nothing but pico, but in practice, it's so verbose that it's only
tolerable if you use an IDE with autocompletion.


It said to install Windows 2000 or better, so I installed Linux instead.

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