"Borden" <2...@bordenrhodes.com> wrote in message 
> I would still like to work on compiling the DLangSpec into HTML5, but I've 
> noticed that pull request 271 hasn't been touched in over 4 months. 
> Further, I sent in a pull request to move the DLangSpec source files into 
> their own folders and haven't gotten so much as a 'worst pull request 
> ever' in response.
> I fully appreciate that people are very busy - including me - so I want to 
> know if there's anything I can do to help things along. At least with 
> respect to pull request 271, is there anything that I can do to help get 
> it merged into master so I can get working on the HTML5 DDoc?

To be honest, you just have to keep bugging people.  I mostly review 
compiler pulls, and I am much much more likely to review something that 
shows up in my inbox than something that sits patiently in the list.  If you 
make enough noise somebody will eventually reply. 

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