On Monday, 1 July 2013 at 01:56:22 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 07/01/2013 03:08 AM, Kenji Hara wrote:
2013/7/1 JS <js.m...@gmail.com <mailto:js.m...@gmail.com>>

I am simply talking about having the compiler enlarge the type if needed. (this is mainly for built in types since the type hierarchy
   is explicitly known)

Just a simple matter, it would *drastically* increase compilation time.

void foo()
    auto elem;
    auto arr = [elem];

    elem = 1;
    elem = 2.0;
// typeof(elem) change should modify the result of typeof(arr)

Such type dependencies between multiple variables are common in the
realistic program.

When `elem = 2.0;` is found, compiler should run semantic analysis of the whole function body of foo _once again_, because the setting type of elem ignites the change of typeof(arr), and it would affect the code

If another variable type would be modified, it also ignites the whole
function body semantic again.

After all, semantic analysis repetition would drastically increase.

I can easily imagine that the compilation cost would not be worth the
small benefits.

Kenji Hara

The described strategy can easily result in non-termination, and which template instantiations it performs can be non-obvious.

auto foo(T)(T arg){
    static if(is(T==int)) return 1.0;
    else return 1;

void main(){
    auto x;
    x = 1;
    x = foo(x);

Sorry, it only results in non-termination if you don't check all return types out of a function. It is a rather easy case to handle by just following all the return types and choosing the largest one. No big deal... any other tries?

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