Robert Clipsham wrote:
Dunno if anyone else thinks this, but the operating system looks very confusing with all the LDC only identifiers mixed in. I think it'd be a good idea to find out which of them are "deprecated" and remove them, eg only keeping one of either solaris or Solaris etc.

Neither side seems to want to budge on this (rather pointless, IMO) matter. LDC chose the identifiers first. Then DMD got support for Solaris, FreeBSD, and OSX, and chose different identifiers. LDC added DMD's but decided not to deprecate their own (probably because they were already in use in Tango).

I also wonder why there's a Win32 and a Win64... I don't see a Linux64, so why is Windows so special? I know Win32 has been around in D for a while, but in that case, WIn32 should be defined even on 64-bit Windows targets for compatibility reasons (like %WINDIR%/System32 is kept as System32 even on 64-bit platforms).

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