On 7/7/2013 2:05 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Sunday, 7 July 2013 at 10:07:51 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Ask Watson what its favorite color is.

Ask /me/ what my favorite color is. I always hate questions like that because,
and this might sound silly, but it bothers me because if I pick one, I think the
others will feel left out, and I feel bad about that. Maybe this is an effect of
me being picked last in gym for all those years in school. I'm not even that bad
at sports!

Anyway, the worst was when a friend would take me with her to the mall to shop,
something she did a lot. Which shoes do I like better? idk, I might find one
style weird, but who am /I/ to judge something for being weird?

I don't think I'd want a computer that is too much like us!

Exactly. Can you see Watson generating a response like yours? I don't, either.

The top hit on google for that question is:


The people typing that into google are probably looking for that clip, they are not asking google what google's favorite color is. Google, of course, is programmed to be a search engine, not process natural language for anything other than search.

If I was asked that question, the context would matter. If it was at a barbeque with the beer flowing, I'd answer "blue, no ye- .. aaaaahhhhhhggggg!" If an architect working for me asked, I'd give a serious answer, and of course even that answer would depend on the context - I'd pick different colors for the kitchen walls than the bedroom floor.

Good luck with Watson or Siri on such.

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