Walter Bright:

It isn't off-topic at all. It's very relevant to D.

I also agree with what he says about GC.

There's a long way from recognizing those problems, to having good enough solutions in D.

Some possible attack strategies for D are:
- A less allocating Phobos to produce a bit less garbage;
- A more precise GC to avoid some memory leaks;
- Perhaps an annotation to disallow heap allocations in a function or a piece of code; - Some good way to allocate variable length arrays on the stack ( ) (so some arrays produce no garbage);
- The implementation of "scope" maybe helps a bit;
- Multiple alias this opens some opportunities to use structs in more places, avoiding some heap allocations.
- Currently Phobos Scoped/emplace are not very good.

Is that enough? Rust language designers seem to think that's not enough. Opinions are welcome.


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