(Sorry, this post has gone in this newsgroup by mistake, but it's a small mistake.)

To change and understand your code a bit (now the ComposeClass constructor is a template) I have removed some of the tests and debug code, but they should be added back later:

string listAvailableCtors(T)() {
    string result = "";
    foreach(t; __traits(getOverloads, T, "__ctor"))
        result ~= typeof(t).stringof ~ "\n";
    return result;

struct DefaultCtor {} //call default ctor type
enum defaultCtor = DefaultCtor();

struct ComposeClass(T) if (is(T == class)) {
    void[__traits(classInstanceSize, T)] _classMemory = void;
    bool m_destructed = false;

    @property T _instance() {
        return cast(T)_classMemory.ptr;

    @property const(T) _instance() const {
        return cast(const(T))_classMemory.ptr;

    alias _instance this;

    @disable this();
    @disable this(this);

    this(DefaultCtor) {
        // _classMemory[] = typeid(T).init[]; // needed?

    this(Targs...)(Targs args) {
        _classMemory[] = typeid(T).init[];

    ~this() {
        if (!m_destructed) {
            m_destructed = true;

// Usage example ----------

class Foo {
    int i, j;
    this() {
        this.i = 5;

    this(int ii) {
        this.i = ii;

class Bar {
    ComposeClass!Foo f;

    this() {
        //f = typeof(f)(defaultCtor);
        f = typeof(f)(2); // alternative

void main() {
    import std.stdio;
    auto bar = new Bar;
    bar.f.i = 1;

This code is unfinished.
Is the assignment needed in this(DefaultCtor)?

This code contains some sharp edges (for the D programmer and even for the compiler, I have opened a new bug report: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10629 ), for me it's easy to get wrong, hard to get right & good, and I believe it's of general usefulness, so I think it's fit for Phobos.

But isn't it a replacement for Phobos Scoped?


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