Andrei Alexandrescu:
>[Elvis operator]I agree.<

But note that I don't use much OOP in D. For people (like Java programmers) 
that use OOP a lot that operator may be useful.

>What is invokedynamic?<

A way to add some dynamic typing to the Java language (Java type system is 
already a lot dynamic, but it has the rigidity of an old static type system and 
just a bit more of the safety of a dynamic language. The worst of both worlds. 
Java Generics have later increased safety some).

C#4 solves the same problem in a more drastic and generic way (and probably 
better), adding a "dynamic" keyword that transforms variables into dynamically 
typed ones in a quite transparent way.

Now it's very easy (and efficient enough) to implement a mixed dynamic/static 
language like Boo on the dotnet4.


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