On Monday, 5 August 2013 at 18:18:30 UTC, Jonathan A Dunlap wrote:
I am one of the few who have taken a keen interest in D for game development. The concise language and modern conveniences may be able to reduce many hours worth of development time off a game project, while making the code more maintainable. Aside from the core language, Dlang graphics bindings have a way to go before even earning acceptance in the indie gaming scene, but it's making great strides to get there.

The main challenge I've hit is the lack of any sort of path for adopting a media engine. Bindings (like SFML https://github.com/krzat/SFML-D) all suffer from:

A) No information about its current status: this is scary if its repo hasn't been updated in months. B) Usually are complex to get working in a new project (manually building or searching for undocumented dependency DLLs) C) Lack practical references and tutorials for "real would usage" e.g. "how to create an OpenGL window" or "how to render a triangle" versus something like "how to load from disk an image texture onto a quad and move it around using keyboard events"

SFML bindings are also in https://github.com/aldacron/Derelict3 but I couldn't find a scrap of information on how to use it, how to compile correctly, or example usage. It's unclear if the library is even usable in its current state.

Please don't take this as blind criticism, but rather a plea to action for the community to provide better library documentation support for: current lib status, getting started adding it, and a general use tutorial/example. If we start doing this, it'll make a big impact for other game developers who are new to Dlang to adopt the language. Thanks for listening!

I am using DAllegro 5 for 2D stuff. So far, it went very smooth.
I just use the original documentation.


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