On Wednesday, 7 August 2013 at 19:10:11 UTC, Borislav Kosharov wrote:
Something strange happens when I do this:

unittest {
    import std.array, std.string;
    string s = "test";
    //assert(s.toUpper.split("").join("-") == "T-E-S-T");
    //"Memory allocation failed"
    //[Finished in 26.5s]
    //CPU: 1% -> 50% | 2.7GHz dual core
    //RAM: 1.6GB -> 2.6GB | 1GB diff
    assert(s.split("") == ["t","e","s","t"]);

I just want to achieve what the commented assert's result should be. Is there a better way to do that? And if it is really a bug where should I report it?

Bugs go here: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/

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