On Monday, 12 August 2013 at 16:29:36 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
What do you say? Let's throw together an SConstruct for DMD, druntime,and phobos, and submit a pull for it?

I don't care as long as you're willing to maintain whatever you choose. But SCons? Granted it's been a few years since I deigned to look at it, but it's historically caused a lot of packaging headaches.

The only downside is that I can predict people will start complaining about the Python dependency. (Which is why I proposed writing a build system in D -- it will be superior to make (anything would be!), and
people will have no excuse about what language it's written in.)

Do you plan on bundling it or are you expecting people to install it? Does it properly handle library search yet or is it still using naive name-only lookup? How about environment variables like CC and PATH? Has it become resilient against python version changes completely breaking it? etc.

Despite how onerous they are, Autotools and CMake have a better track record that I've seen.


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