On Monday, 12 August 2013 at 19:08:14 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:
On Monday, 12 August 2013 at 15:28:34 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
https://code.google.com/p/qtd/ (which has a Subversion repository) clearly points to http://www.dsource.org/projects/qtd – which I guess has a checkoutable (Subversion) repository.

It's a Mercurial repository. QtD moved to BitBucket because of DSource stability problems impairing development. I suggested Eldar to nuke the DSource one to avoid confusion – i.e. either disable it, or replace it with a singe "repo has moved" text file in the root directory, or something like that –, but somehow this never happened (I don't recall whether there was actually disagreement about this or if we just never got around to do the change).

But then there is https://bitbucket.org/qtd/repo

As far as I am aware, this is the "current" repository, i.e. the last that Eldar, Max, Alexey and I actually committed to. However, I don't think any of us are actually working on QtD right now, and even simple patches/pull requests take inexcusably long to merge.

and https://github.com/qtd-developers/qtd

This seems to be an attempt to revive QtD, possibly by Michael Crompton, who contributed a few patches on BitBucket before. The URL is unnecessarily long, though – I just reserve github.com/qtd, if somebody wants admin rights for the organization, just drop me a line.

Before any activity gets going on QtD might it be an idea to decide with
which VCS and support tools?

Yep. I can't speak for Eldar and Max, who are really the ones who "own" QtD (I only contributed a few smaller fixes), but I'd say, if somebody wants to genuinely pick up QtD development, they should go ahead and choose whatever they feel most comfortable with. Git/GitHub certainly would be a good fit for the D ecosystem.

Perhaps more should be done on http://www.dsource.org/projects/qtd to
make it clear where action is to happen?

I just tried to; the person behind the GitHub repository (Michael?) is welcome to amend that page. Note that the actual installation guides linked from that page all referred to the proper repository before as well.


That github repo is not mine, and I assumed the current repo was still on bitbucket. However, I agree moving to github would be ideal.

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