On Friday, 16 August 2013 at 22:11:41 UTC, luminousone wrote:
On Friday, 16 August 2013 at 20:07:32 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
We have a[] = b[] * c[] - 5; etc. which could work very neatly
While this in fact could work, given the nature of GPGPU it
not be very effective.
In a non shared memory and non cache coherent setup, the
of all 3 arrays have to be copied into GPU memory, had that
statement ran as gpu bytecode, and then copied back to complete
the operation.
GPGPU doesn't make sense on small code blocks, both in
instruction count, and by how memory bound a particular
would be.
The compiler needs to either be explicitly told what can/should
be ran as a GPU function, or have some intelligence about what
or not to run as a GPU function.
This will get better in the future, APU's using the full HSA
implementation will drastically reduce the "buyin" latency/cycle
cost of using a GPGPU function, and make them more practical for
smaller(in instruction count/memory boundess) operations.
I didn't literally mean automatically inserting GPU code.
I was more imagining this:
void foo(T)(T[] arr)
auto a = someLongArray;
auto b = someOtherLongArray;
auto aGPU = toGPUMem(a);
auto bGPU = toGPUMem(b);
auto c = GPUArr(a.length);
c[] = a[] * b[];
auto cCPU = toCPUMem(c);
dot(c, iota(c.length).array().toGPUMem())
gpu T dot(T)(T[] a, T[] b)
//gpu dot product
with cpu arrays and gpu arrays identified separately in the type
system. Automatic conversions could be possible, but of course
that would allow carelessness.
Obviously there is some cpu code mixed in with the gpu code
there, which should be executed asynchronously if possible. You
could also have
//only code that can all be executed on the GPU.
Just ideas off the top of my head. Definitely full of holes and I
haven't really considered the detail :)