On 8/17/13, Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First, here is the C code:

Btw, here's the D equivalent where I can also recreate the bug:

import core.sys.windows.windows;
import std.stdio;

alias extern(C) void* function() Tcl_CreateInterp_Type;
alias extern(C) int function(void*) Tcl_Init_Type;
alias extern(C) int function(void*) Tk_Init_Type;
alias extern(C) int function(void*, const(char)*) Tcl_Eval_Type;
alias extern(C) void function() Tk_MainLoop_Type;

int main()
    HMODULE hTcl = LoadLibraryA("tcl86.dll");
    HMODULE hTk = LoadLibraryA("tk86.dll");

    Tcl_CreateInterp_Type Tcl_CreateInterp;
    Tcl_CreateInterp = cast(Tcl_CreateInterp_Type)GetProcAddress(hTcl,

    Tcl_Init_Type Tcl_Init;
    Tcl_Init = cast(Tcl_Init_Type)GetProcAddress(hTcl, "Tcl_Init");

    Tk_Init_Type Tk_Init;
    Tk_Init = cast(Tk_Init_Type)GetProcAddress(hTk, "Tk_Init");

    Tcl_Eval_Type Tcl_Eval;
    Tcl_Eval = cast(Tcl_Eval_Type)GetProcAddress(hTcl, "Tcl_Eval");

    Tk_MainLoop_Type Tk_MainLoop;
    Tk_MainLoop = cast(Tk_MainLoop_Type)GetProcAddress(hTk, "Tk_MainLoop");

    void* _interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();

    Tcl_Eval(_interp, "tkwait visibility .");
    Tcl_Eval(_interp, "tk::toplevel .mywin");
    Tcl_Eval(_interp, "wm resizable .mywin false false");


    return 0;

I've also tried the C sample with various DMC versions such as 857,
846, 837, 830, but I still haven't found a version that doesn't have
this bug.

Maybe the issue is with something else.. I can't tell what DMC and GCC
are doing differently here.

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