On Saturday, 17 August 2013 at 08:29:37 UTC, glycerine wrote:
On Wednesday, 14 August 2013 at 13:43:50 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 14 August 2013 at 13:28:42 UTC, glycerine wrote:
Wishful thinking aside, they are competitors.

They are not. `std.serialization` does not and should not compete in Thrift domain.

Huh? Do you know what thrift does? Summary: Everything that
Orange/std.serialization does and more.

That's actually not true. Thrift does not serialize arbitrary object graphs, or any types with indirections, for that matter. This is by design, it would be hard to do this efficiently in all target languages, and contrary to Orange, performance is the main focus of Thrift.

If you
are going to standardize something, standardize the Thrift
bindings so that the compiler doesn't introduce regressions
that break them, like happened from dmd 2.062 - present.

On a related note, we desperately need to do something about this, especially since there seems to be an increased amount of interest in Thrift lately. For 2.061 and the previous releases, I always tested every beta against Thrift, and almost invariably found at least one bug/regression per release. However, for 2.062 and 2.063, I was busy with LDC (and other things) at the time and it seems like I forgot to run the tests.

The DMD 2.062+ error message (see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-2130) doesn't make much sense; I guess the best way of going about this would be to try to DustMite-reduce the problem first or to fire up DMD in gdb to see what exactly is tripping the recursive alias error.


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