I'm afraid the issue is bigger.

One major criterion, for instance, is the basic question how we attribute weights to the involved entities.

C had a clear background. There was a new system (PDP11) and a need to use it. Memory was little and strongly limited, the typical use was quite modest (considerably less than what we today have on our mobile phones), processor power and capability was very low and very expensive, etc.

This, ladies and gentleman, is quite simple not anymore and adequate approach.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not on the side of the other extreme ("Who cares about processor time and memory"). But the world has very considerably changed and so has computing. Features that would have seemd miraculous in 1970 are low standard today and - very importantly - the whole world had very considerably gained in complexity.

If I need to programm a MPC430 or even an STM32F4, I'll use C, period. There *is* a solution for jobs with very tight constraints, we just don't need a new language for that.

If, however, I have to design and build a solution that works on different OSes incl. mobile phones and spans over a large network then I won't use C.

Furthermore, we have seen again and again how unreliable humans are at certain jobs. Just think "virus","buffer overflow" and a gazillion of other problems stemming from two reasons, a) lack of professionality and b) lack of perfection, where perfection is very much dependant on working tediously diligently and stubbornly (in other words, somethings that computers are *way* better at than humans).

Templates just don't cut it, period. Templates are ultra-yesteryear and proven to be troublesome, no matter how smartly you implement them. It's just not acceptable that a language in 2013 (in that regard) doesn't offer dimensionally more and better than what I could do with Brief or the like in 1985.

So: Are D templates ugly loat? Yes, sure. Do I care? No, not at all. Why should I complain about D being unsatisfying as an editor?

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