On 2013-08-22 05:07, Manu wrote:

Where are they?

Turns out there are links to the GDC binaries (hosted on bitbucket) on
dlang.org/download <http://dlang.org/download>.
...I didn't previously notice they were there, never scrolled down far
enough. The impression you get from the top of the page is that
dlang.org <http://dlang.org> is just DMD related, and I quickly
dismissed it previously >_<

I had no idea there were GDC binaries on http://dlang.org/download.html

But there's still no LDC binary there... where is it?

I don't know if they were recently added but they are below the GDC binaries.

This needs to be fixed. You can argue I'm retarded and ignorant, but as
an end user, it should take me no more than 5 seconds to find the
download button.

I suggest, on the front page of dlang.org <http://dlang.org>, there
should be a MASSIVE button: "DOWNLOAD D COMPILERS", and the download
page should be tweaked to be more obviously compiler agnostic.

I agree. At the top, of the download page there should be three buttons, one for each compiler. Then JavaScript should be used to figure out the platform. Of course we need a fallback for when JavaScript is disabled or one wants to download for a different platform.

/Jacob Carlborg

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