superdan Wrote:

> Steve Teale Wrote:
> > superdan Wrote:
> > 
> > > Steve Teale Wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Can this group come up with a proper, sober (OK, I'm not)
> > > 
> > > den pretty please explain why anyone should give a flyin' fuck fer yer 
> > > drunken rant.
> > 
> > Love you man. You're on the spot! I have no excuse.
> not shure u r bein' sarcastic but i'm a gonna take dat at face value. 
> akshully steve u got an excuse. u and i r part of a larger social phenom. i 
> saw many times in da group: sum'thin' good happens with d. then da group 
> reacts negatively with da speed o' light. its like physix: ackshon and 
> reackshon.
> walt adds features. den we bitch fuck them features, he has 3000 bugs up his 
> ass. walt fixes bugs. den we bitch that not'n' new is cummin' down da pike. 
> andre asks about ranges. we get motherfuckin' bikeshed fight. andre 
> implements them ranges. we bitch about namez syntax and all shit up to the 
> motherfuckin' wazoo. of course if we dun understand ranges dats his fault too.
> been busy @ work past week but saw good things. andreis book is on amazon so 
> ppl know it's cummin'. then da case fer d comes out. loved it. even better 
> reddit loves it. momentum iz there.
> den wat do we do. bearophile writes other side of the coin. what in the name 
> of fuck is his problem. backstabbin' mo'fucker are da nicest words that cum 2 
> mind after racking 'n' waterboarding my brain. EXIT_SUCCESS up yer ass. den 
> cums da proper case fer d. only good thing is sean's cumback o' da year. 
> thanx sean. den cherry on da cake. finally grauzone. where therez any 
> negative shit about d u bet grauzone is on it like flies on shit. so we get 
> this piece of brain vomit. leave them threadz alone. focus all on rewritin' 
> da windows linker. what an assfucked strategy dat iz. i bet soon ppl will say 
> yeah d is a shitty language but hey it got a great linker. what da fuck.
> anyway steve. my point is we r part of some weird twilite zone. if d ever 
> becumz successful theres gonna be murder in dis group.

Wow - Boyz n da Hood... Are you writing with a full keyboard?


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