On Friday, 23 August 2013 at 13:39:47 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Friday, 23 August 2013 at 13:34:04 UTC, ilya-stromberg wrote:
It's a serious issue. May be it's more important than range support. For example, I have to change class (bug fixing, new features, etc.), but it comparable with previos version (example: it's always possible to convert "int" to "long"). I that case I can't use std.serialization and have to write own solution (for examle, save data in csv file).

I don't think it as an issue at all. Behavior you want can't be defined in a generic way, at least not without lot of UDA help or similar declarative approach. In other words, the fact that those two classes are interchangeable in the context of the serialization exists only in the mind of programmer, not in D type system.

More than that, such behavior goes seriously out of the line of D being strongly typed language. I think functionality you want does belong to a more specialized module, not generic std.serialization - maybe even format-specific.

Maybe you are right.
But I think it's not so difficult to implement, at least for simle cases.
We can follow a simple rules, for example like this:

Does element "b" exists in the archive? - Yes.
Does element "b" has type "long"? - No, the type is "int".
Can we convert type "int" to "long"? - Yes, load element "b" to tempory variable and convert it to "long":

int _b = 4;
long b = to!long(_b);

Is it difficult to implement?
Also, we can provide a few deserialize models: strict (like current behavior) and smart (like example above). May be even 3 levels: strict, implicit conversions (like int to long) and explicit conversions (like long to int).

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