Am Thu, 29 Aug 2013 09:25:35 +0200
schrieb "w0rp" <>:

> Hello everybody. I've been wondering, what are the current plans 
> to replace std.xml? I'd like to help with the effort to get a 
> final XML library in phobos. So, I have a few questions.
> First, and most importantly, what do we except out of a D XML 
> library? I'd really like to have a discussion of the form, "Here 
> is exactly the interface the structs/classes need to implement, 
> go forth and implement." The general idea in my mind is 
> "something SAX-like, with something a little DOM-like." I'm aware 
> that std.xml has some issues support different encodings, so 
> obvious that's included.

I most points here also apply to std.xml:
Those are not strict requirements though, I just summarized what I
remembered from old discussions.

> Second, is there an existing library that has gotten close to 
> meeting whatever we need for the first point? If so, how far away 
> is it from being able to meet all of the requirements and become 
> the standard library version?

There's a std.xml2 in the review queue:

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