24-Aug-2013 22:48, Joseph Rushton Wakeling пишет:
On 24/08/13 20:35, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
I do have one specific query

Actually, two.  Lines 448-457 of the second codepad paste have this
unittest, with the last line commented out:

     // Check .save works
     foreach (Type; TypeTuple!(MinstdRand0, MinstdRand))
         auto rnd1 = Type(unpredictableSeed);
         auto rnd2 = rnd1.save;
         //assert(rnd1 == rnd2);
         // Enable next test when RNGs are reference types
         version(none) { assert(rnd1 !is rnd2); }
         //assert(rnd1.take(100).array() == rnd2.take(100).array());

If the last assert is uncommented,

     assert(rnd1.take(100).array() == rnd2.take(100).array());

... then running the unittests results in the following error:

     /opt/dmd/include/d2/std/array.d(37): Error: variable
16807, 0, 2147483647)))).array.r has scoped destruction, cannot build

Now I'm in the same boat in the midst of wrok of applying new std.uni facilities to std.regex. As soon as std.array.array started using trusted lambda internally it doesn't accept any range with destructor.

This is simply not acceptable, I'll put a minimized test-case in Bugzilla if nobody beats me to it.

This is rather worrying and I'm concerned that this could be a
fundamental flaw in the whole design.  Can anyone advise on how to fix it?

It seems a fundamental bug in closures. They have to work somehow with these structs esp as in this case there need not to allocate GC closure (no references escapes scope of std.array.array).

Dmitry Olshansky

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