On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 12:43:44PM -0700, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 8/30/2013 11:32 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> >I obtained a +1 Sword of Bisection from a git this morning, and
> >decided to go commit hunting. I found the specific commits that
> >introduced the following regressions (see bug notes for the offending
> >commits):
> >
> >10687 - Refused cast from uint[] to array of uint-based enums at compile-time
> >10401 - ICE(ztc/symbol.c 1035) - inline Nullable struct with JSONValue
> >10425 - Link error with templates
> >10555 - enumerator can no longer increment beyond maximum of initializer
> >10617 - contract with -profile -debug is not nothrow
> >10630 - Structs with disabled default construction can't be used as `out` 
> >parameters
> >
> >I would fix them myself, except that my dmd-fu level isn't high
> >enough to take them on yet. ;-)
> Thank you. This is great information.

And easily obtained with git bisect, about 5-10 minutes per bug. :)

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 12:45:16PM -0700, Walter Bright wrote:
> BTW, please add this information to both the regression issues and
> the issues who's resolution introduced the regression.

Done. The bugs whose resolution introduced the regressions were pretty
easy to find, except for 10687: I had to read up on how to work with
complicated git revision ranges to isolate it. :) Turns out it's another
regression from Don's epic pull:


Unfortunately, for all of its epicness, a change of such magnitude
inevitably introduces/exposes other flaws, and this is one of them
(already the second one noted on the pull page).

One of these days I'll have to research a little more how to more easily
identify the merge commit that pulled in a particular commit. Since all
commits only refer to their ancestors, git has no easy way of following
the chain downstream to the merge point (at least, none that I know of).
If anyone knows some git-fu to do this, I'd be very much obliged. :)


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